Registration is now open for the Sheboygan Area School District’s (SASD) summer programming.
Registration officially opened on Friday (March 14th), allowing parents to sign their children up for various different programs throughout the summer.
All summer school programs offered by SASD will be free of charge, as will the provided school meals thanks to the School Nutrition program.
Classes will include Rocketry and Flight for high schoolers and middle schoolers, fishing or Spanish for elementary students, and much more.
Programming is available for students ranging from 4K to soon-to-be high school seniors.
Families will use Skyward Family Access to register their children, where course descriptions and a full list of meal times and locations can also be found.
Anyone with questions regarding SASD’s summer programming is asked to contact Summer School Coordinator Lexi Foerester at afoerester@sasd.net.