Manitowoc County UW-Extension Agriculture Agent, Scott Gunderson, calls this probably the 2nd most challenging growing season he’s seen…since working with area farmers for the past 32 years. Gunderson tells that 1988 was a severe drought year. “We didn’t have forage for the most part. We had to buy a lot of it from out west,” he explained. “We really had to scramble to get different forages…in order to feed our cows.”
2019 is also a very challenging year, in a different way, because of wet conditions. Gunderson said that a lot of alfala and winter wheat fell to winter kill. Also, “delayed planting really impacted a lot of farmers.” In fact, Gunderson said in many cases a lot of farmers were not able to plant their acres at all. He asks farmers with questions or needing help to call him directly in his office at 683-4175.