Wisconsin farmers are still making more milk than last year, but the increase continues to lag behind the rest of the country. The U-S-D-A says the Badger State made seven-tenths-of-one-percent more milk in July than in the same month last year. But the increase was much higher in the 23 major dairy states at one-point-nine-percent, as Texas again had double digit growth at nearly 15-percent and Utah had a jump of almost ten-percent. Wisconsin made almost two-billion-590-million pounds of milk in July, still a strong second behind California — which had a two-tenths-percent decline in its milk output last month to about three-billion-370-million pounds. Wisconsin had the same number of cows as last July with almost one-point-three-million head and each cow averaged 15 more pounds of milk than last year with two-thousand-25.
Growth In State Milk Production Still Lags
Aug 21, 2017 | 6:15 AM
State News