Nominations for this year’s Farm Service Agency (FSA) County Committee Elections are needed by August 3rd.
County Committees are a vital link between the farm community and FSA, and they provide an opportunity for farmers to have their opinions and ideas be heard. All eligible farmers are encouraged to participate in the election process by nominating candidates by the August 3rd deadline.
In Manitowoc County, this year’s election is being held for the townships of Cato, Franklin, Manitowoc, Manitowoc Rapids, Maple Grove and Rockland.
In Sheboygan County, this year’s election is being held for the townships of Herman, Mosel, Plymouth, Sheboygan and Sheboygan Falls.
In Calumet County, this year’s election is being held for the townships of Brothertown, Charlestown and New Holstein.
Nomination forms are available at FSA offices and online at: along with other important election information.